LCA (Leaving Cert Applied)

The Leaving Certificate Applied is a self contained two-year Leaving Certificate Programme aimed at preparing students for adult working life. Leaving Certificate Applied courses are taught on a modular basis.

Major emphasis is placed on practical work, where students “learn by doing”. Tasks are assessed and credits are awarded at the end of each session. There is a final examination at the end of the two years – at the same time as the ordinary Leaving Certificate exams in June. Students may earn 68 credits in this final exam. Throughout the two years there are four sessions. At the end of each session students are awarded credits for attendance, key assignments and tasks.

The Leaving Certificate Applied has three main elements:

1.Vocational Preparation: English, Work Preparation, Work-Experience

2. General Education: PE, Languages

3. Vocational Education: Information Technology (I.T.), Maths and one Vocational Specialism, eg Hotel/Catering/Tourism or Engineering or Construction.

This course was developed to meet the needs of students who prefer a more practical education, with a system of continuous assessment.

The Leaving Certificate Applied is awarded at three levels:

Pass: 120-139 credits

Merit: 140-169 credits

Distinction: 170-200 credits

Feb 03
February Bank Holiday
Feb 17
February Mid Term Break
Mar 17
St Patrick’s Day (Public Holiday)
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
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01 842 8356
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